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Thursday, 25 December 2014
The future of automotive synthetic lubricants in 2015.
The future of automotive synthetic lubricants in 2015 is challenging.
To understand the future of automotive synthetic lubricants in 2015 one has to look back at some of the key automotive events of 2014 that are likely to impact on the automotive industry lubricants in 2015. In many ways 2014 saw some developments that may be trend setters for the near to mid term.Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Cheaper crude oil will impact on the demand for synthetic motor oil.
Cheaper crude oil will impact on the demand for synthetic motor oil in the near to medium term.
There’s no doubt that synthetic motor oils outperform regular engine oil in most areas but for now cheaper crude oil will impact on the demand for synthetic motor oil – which could be a temporary setback for the industry... and in the long term the consumer as well.Monday, 22 December 2014
Synthetic motor oil in older motorcycle engines.
Can I use synthetic motor oil in older motorcycle engines?
Most modern motorcycles recommend synthetics, but many people wonder whether they can use synthetic motor oil in older motorcycle engines. It’s obvious that there are many reasons to use synthetic motor oil which holds many advantages over regular crude derived lubricants when used in high performance motorcycle engines, but one has to exercise caution when deciding to use synthetic motor oil in older motorcycle engines.Monday, 24 November 2014
New PC-11 Diesel Motor Oil Specification.
New pc-11 diesel motor oil specification is required for the latest engine design.
A new pc-11 diesel motor oil specification is being developed to cope with recent changes to environmental regulations and engines. This is why it is no coincidence that there are two new oil specifications on the horizon at the same time: PC-11 for heavy-duty diesel engines and the new GF-6 motor oil specification for passenger automobiles.For the first time each specification will have two versions: one for current and future engines and another compatible with older engines. Although
Friday, 21 November 2014
New GF-6 motor oil specification will satisfy major changes in engine design.
Significant changes to environmental regulations and engines have resulted in a new GF-6 motor oil specification for passenger cars. For the first time, there are likely to be two iterations: one for current and future engines and another compatible with older engines.Joan Evans, Infineum industry liaison advisor, explains, “For the new GF-6 motor oil specification, ILSAC GF-6, there is an urgent need
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
The future of synthetic motor oil.
The future of synthetic motor oil lies in reducing friction.
The future of synthetic motor oil: “ Although tremendous efforts have been made over many years to reduce friction via engine component design, component materials and surface characteristics further improvements will shape the future of synthetic motor oil,” says Victor Wong principal scientist and manager of Sloan Automotive Laboratories and MIT.“While, despite the fact that lubricant properties play an important role in affecting engine friction they have often been considered outside the mix of
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
SAE 16 synthetic motor oil to replace SAE20?
Will SAE 16 synthetic motor oil replace SAE 20 in future car engines?
SAE 16 synthetic motor oil, formally labeled as SAE 16 in April of 2013 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) was introduced as a new, low viscosity grade specification to help OEMs meet increasingly strict corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) requirements.However, ultra-low viscosity grade oils can create durability challenges that need to be carefully considered.
Image credit: Duke Engines
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Advantages of Synthetic Base Oils.
Some advantages of synthetic base oils you should know.
Although base stock oils are mineral, semi-synthetic, synthetic or vegetable based, the advantages of synthetic base oils are becoming more pronounced. Until the late 1990s most motor oils were mineral based but since then synthetic base oils have become more widely available at more affordable prices.Classification gives clues as to the advantages of synthetic base oils.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Noise Reducing Synthetic Grease.
The auto industry turns to noise reducing synthetic grease.
The motor industry has turned to noise reducing synthetic grease in recent years because background noise in vehicle interiors has decreased dramatically in hybrid, EV’s and luxury cars. As a result, noise reducing synthetic grease is already finding use in car air conditioners, because the grease has both excellent noise reduction and low temperature performance.Friday, 10 October 2014
3 Reasons to use 0W-20 synthetic motor oil.
3 very good reasons to use 0W-20 synthetic motor oil.
In a time when most people are coming to terms with synthetic engine lubricants manufacturers have found 3 reasons to use 0W-20 synthetic motor oil: And it’s worth listening to them! Well, it’s mostly legislation that has highlighted these reasons to use 0W-20 synthetic motor oil.Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Why use synthetic motor oil in a turbocharged engine.
It’s important that you use synthetic motor oil in a turbocharged engine.
With regular mineral engine oils improving in quality it’s still vitally important that you use synthetic motor oil in a turbocharged engine to prevent premature failure and expensive repairs.Turbochargers operate under severe conditions: Shaft speeds exceeding 100,000RPM and temperatures that often approach or exceed 900C. To make life even more difficult on start up the turbo may lack lubrication, and on shutdown temperatures could reach 1000C. Conditions synthetic oil is best suited to cope with.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
How synthetic motor oil improves engine life
Take a look at how synthetic motor oil improves engine life.
There’s a common perception that synthetic motor oil improves engine life, but few people stop to think how and why this would be. It’s actually quite simple if you understand the strengths of synthetic motor oils and how these affect the workings of the IC engine.Synthetic motor oil improves engine life through it’s unique characteristics.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
New electrically conductive synthetic lubricant.
Amazing new electrically conductive synthetic lubricant will reduce bearing wear.
With this new electrically conductive synthetic lubricant electric motors will be protected from pitting that can result from an electrical discharge in the bearings. After years of research, a group of German basic and industrial engineers have finally made significant progress towards sustainable electromobility. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Can you use synthetic motor oil in older engines?
Why you shouldn’t use synthetic motor oil in older engines!
Over the past decade the internal combustion engine has come a long way leading people to believe that they can’t use synthetic motor oil in older engines. This is a statement that is, to a large degree, true, but it’s important to understand the intricacies behind this.The use synthetic motor oil in older engines can lead to problems.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Why you can’t mix synthetic diesel motor oil.
Did you know you can’t mix synthetic diesel motor oil?
If you thought all oils are the same then you wouldn’t understand why you can’t mix synthetic diesel motor oil. You may be in for a shock when you hear why you can’t mix synthetic diesel motor oil if you want your engine to last.You can’t mix synthetic diesel motor oil because of the diesel engine requirements.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Why 0W-20 synthetic motor oil saves fuel and emissions.
0W-20 synthetic motor oil saves fuel and emissions for the environment.
With governments across the globe tightening emissions regulation motor manufacturers tell us 0W-20 synthetic motor oil saves fuel and emissions: But why is this?The ICE is a notoriously inefficient piece of equipment with the majority of the energy generated being converted into heat or used to overcome friction. It therefore makes sense that, because fuel is used to generate this energy and produce emissions, that any means to reduce these “losses” will also be
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Synthetic lubricant made of liquid crystal.
Innovative synthetic lubricant made of liquid crystal are here!
With synthetic lubricants used in motors, axles, ventilators and many other systems few have yet heard of synthetic lubricant made of liquid crystal.Although lubricants are widely used, there have been almost no fundamental innovations over the past twenty years. Recently, together with a consortium, the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg have developed an entirely new
Friday, 15 August 2014
Important reasons to consider using a synthetic gear oil.
The most important reasons to consider synthetic gear oil.
Because of the extreme conditions under which a transmission operates it’s worthwhile to consider using synthetic gear oil to extend oil change intervals and reduce costs.From high-speed gearing in turbomachinery to slow-turning gear reducers, gear lubricant selection, application and condition are the single-largest contributors to reliability and longevity of gearboxes. With this as background it then
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Should you change to 0W-20 synthetic engine oil?
How to decide whether you should change to 0W-20 synthetic engine oil?
With more and more manufacturers specifying 0W-20 engine oil on new vehicles you’re also probably wondering whether you really need to change to 0W-20 synthetic engine oil.After all why should you change to 0W-20 synthetic engine oil when your 2000 model year vehicle still uses a 5W-30 oil, while the exact same engine in your 2001?
Why it’s better to change to 0W-20 synthetic engine oil.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Reasons to use synthetic hydraulic fluid.
Although more costly, there are many reasons to use synthetic hydraulic fluid.
As the demands placed on hydraulic systems change, with industry demanding greater efficiency and speed at higher operating temperatures and pressures, more companies are beginning to use synthetic hydraulic fluid.However selecting the best hydraulic fluid requires a basic understanding of each particular fluid's characteristics. An ideal fluid would have these characteristics:
- thermal stability
Friday, 25 July 2014
The problems with biodegradable oil.
Before using, make sure you’re aware of the problems with biodegradable oil.
Although strongly promoted by environmentalists there are nevertheless a few problems with biodegradable oil that renders it unusable in many applications. Before considering using biodegradable lubricants it’s important that you first understand what the problems with biodegradable oil are.In order to understand the problems with biodegradable oil we need to understand the
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
What causes engine oil contamination?
Engine oil contamination reduces engine lubrication life.
Engine oil contamination is inevitable and one of the most important issues to control in order to optimise engine oil life. In most cases it has very little to do with the quality of the oil, but more to do with the filtration system and vehicle maintenance.The causes of engine oil contamination.
The most common cause of engine oil contamination is an air filter that does not filter out engine oil contaminants. Most air filter elements filter out +10 micron elements. Particles smaller than this are usually not harmful.Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Why synthetic base stock oil is better than regular base stock.
There are several very important reasons why synthetic base stock oil is better than regular base stock.
It’s no coincidence that synthetic base stock oil is better than regular base stock under harsh operating conditions. Regular base stock oils are refined from crude oil, which contains many impurities.Lack of impurities means synthetic base stock oil is better than regular base stock.
Impurities such sulphur in mineral base stock oil can create corrosion under certain conditions which can be hard to control. Synthetic base stocks on the other hand are engineered from chemicals to a precise formula and thereby have no harmful trace elements.Monday, 21 July 2014
3 Reasons synthetic air compressor oil saves you money.
More expensive synthetic air compressor oil saves you money.
How is it possible that the more expensive synthetic air compressor oil saves you money?Although air compressor oil is a consumable, which many companies ignore, it performs several important functions:
- Protects moving parts against wear and tear
- Improves system efficiency by controlling temperatures
- Contributes to the machines energy consumption
Thursday, 19 June 2014
3 Reasons to use synthetic motor oil in motorcycle engines.
It’s important to use synthetic motor oil in motorcycle engines.
With some engines producing close to 180hp it’s a no-brainer to use synthetic motor oil in motorcycle engines. Any engine producing such high specific horsepower will naturally also run at higher temperatures; and not only higher temperatures, but higher rotational speeds leading to higher piston speeds.Under these conditions regular engine oils offer marginal protection making it almost mandatory to
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Stop your motor oil turning into black sludge.
Following this could stop your motor oil turning into black sludge.
Although less common at the moment several have experienced severe problems with motor oil turning into black sludge. Although there are wide ranging opinions about how to prevent or overcome this there are a few precautions that everyone agrees with.What initiates motor oil turning into black sludge?
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Why are manufacturers switching to 0W-20 motor oil?
Are manufacturers ripping off consumers by switching to 0W-20 motor oil?
Over the past 5 years more and more new vehicles have been switching to 0W-20 motor oil as first fill. As we’ve all found out this black gold is almost as expensive as gold, leading to questions as to why they’re switching to 0W-20 motor oil?Emissions regulations see OEM’s switching to 0W-20 motor oil.
Around the globe air pollution is being addressed byWednesday, 28 May 2014
You shouldn’t use regular motor oil.
You really shouldn’t use regular motor oil under these conditions!
If you’ve always topped up your engine with any old oil, as long as it was cheap, these facts about why you shouldn’t use regular motor oil may disturb you. As with most things in life you get what you pay for and bargains usually have a downside.You shouldn’t use regular motor oil if you want to save money on oil.
Modern engines are highly sophisticated pieces of equipment that produce high specific power – easilySaturday, 24 May 2014
The latest development in lubricants.
Most industries believe synthetic lubricants are the latest development in lubricants – but they’re wrong!
Most lubricants are oil based (or synthetic oils), though others use powders, and even metals; and it’s been that way for decades. The world of lubrication is changing as the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials (IWM), Nematel GmbH, and Dr. Tillwich GmbH announce the latest development in lubricants based on liquid crystals instead of oil. According to Fraunhofer, this is the first fundamentally new lubricant developed in twenty years.Wednesday, 14 May 2014
3 Ways in which synthetic oil can save money.
More expensive synthetic oil can save money in many areas.
If it costs more than regular lubricant how on earth is it possible that synthetic oil can save money?Before we even focus on synthetic lubricants we mustn’t loose sight that crude oil is being consumed at an ever increasing rate, and because this resource is finite, the prices are rising quite steadily; thus closing the price gap to synthetic oils.
Add to this the pollutant nature of all lubricants and
Thursday, 8 May 2014
The drawbacks of using biodegradable lubricants.
What are the drawbacks of using biodegradable lubricants?
Manufacturers and blenders promote these oils based on the importance of biodegradability and nontoxicity but few discuss the drawbacks of using biodegradable lubricants. Performance issues – such as oxidation stability, anti-wear protection, hydrolytic stability, viscosity stability at elevated temperatures and cost factors - are usually not discussed.There are two primary classes of biodegradable lubricants; vegetable oils and synthetic lubricants, and industrial consumers of these products must be prepared to treat biodegradable lubricants somewhat
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
How to extend engine oil change intervals.
Extend engine oil change intervals and save money and the environment.
Even though manufacturers are coming with innovations to extend service intervals a lot of debate still revolves around how to extend engine oil change intervals. It’s not that modern engine oils, in particular synthetic motor oils, have a problem in protecting the engine for at least 40,000km’s; Although there are many engine oil change myths regarding this, it’s more in weighing up the operating condition variables.By way of example; in 1967, oil was changed every 5000Km’s. Now, 15,000 Km’s and even 20,000
Monday, 21 April 2014
5 things you must know about engine sludge build up.
The 5 thing you must know about engine sludge build up to save your engine!
Engine sludge build up, popularly known as “Black Death”, is a problem that plagues some vehicles more than others . In 2007, a state judge in Louisiana approved an out-of-court settlement of a class-action suit against Toyota covering 3.5 million vehicles. Under the settlement, Toyota would repair vehicles with sludge damage if owners could prove a reasonable effort was made to maintain the vehicle correctly.What causes engine sludge build up?
Amongst the mostFriday, 11 April 2014
Thinner synthetic motor oil won’t damage your engine.
Thinner synthetic motor oil won’t damage your engine, but could save you money.
There are several engine oil myths surrounding using a thinner synthetic motor oil in engines: Often these revolve around older engines, and the use of the ultra low viscosity engine oils.When a thinner synthetic motor oil will not be appropriate.
Using thinner synthetic motor oil, such as 0W20 in old engines that were specified to run with 20W50Tuesday, 1 April 2014
3 Reasons why motor oil deteriorates.
The 3 most important reasons why motor oil deteriorates.
It is common knowledge that, at some point, engine oil must be changed but many people don’t know why motor oil deteriorates, they believe it car oil merely becomes contaminated over time. They believe if you keep the oil clean, it will last forever. This is not true.The fact is, all lubricants will fail at some point.
Sunday, 30 March 2014
The 5 API Base Oil Groups Defined.
Do you really know what the 5 API base oil groups are?
Before additives are added, lubricating oils usually begin as one or more of the five API base oil groups. The base oil definition is: “oil with a boiling point range between 290 and 560 C, consisting of hydrocarbons with 18 to 40 carbon atoms.” This oil can be either paraffinic or napthenic in nature depending on the chemical structure of the molecules. Or the base oil can be fully synthesized from chemicals. The American Petroleum Institute (API) categorizes these base oils under one of 5 API base oil groups. The first three categories areFriday, 21 March 2014
3 Reasons To Use Synthetic Diesel Engine Oil.
There are several very good reasons to use synthetic diesel engine oil!
Modern diesel engines are very sophisticated and expensive to repair, and with the motor oil often the only barrier keeping sliding surfaces apart it’s important that you use the best possible lubricant. In this article we’ll be looking at 3 good reasons to use synthetic diesel engine oil that you may have been wondering about.The most important reason to use synthetic diesel engine oil is to save money.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
What is synthetic motor oil?
What defines a full synthetic motor oil?
Synthetic motor oil is very different from regular engine oil in several very important areas. These differences and performance differences all stem from the difference in the way the 2 oils are produced.Synthetic motor oil vs crude based engine oil.
Regular motor oil is derived from crude oil that is taken from the earth and then through a distillationFriday, 7 March 2014
4 reasons to use synthetic transmission fluid
There are many reasons to use synthetic transmission fluid, but here are the top four!
Maybe you’ve heard the pro-synthetic experts explaining the reasons to use synthetic transmission fluid; or maybe you’ve had the opposite camp dissuading you from using synthetic transmission fluid?The truth of the matter is that there are several advantages to using a synthetic transmission fluid over a regular crude-based one, but before deciding between the two, it is important that you check with your vehicle’s owner’s manual and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult with a
Friday, 28 February 2014
Can I use synthetic motor oil in a classic car?
I’ve heard I can’t use synthetic motor oil in a classic car?
The debate around whether you can use synthetic motor oil in a classic car gets quite emotional; with many owners and collectors laying out a lot of money on their cars it’s bound to whip up strong emotions.Taking out the emotion; the supporters of not using synthetic engine oil in a classic car point to the fact that modern oils, including most synthetic oils, have drastically reduced (or no ZDDP) levels of ZDDP (zinc dialkyldithiophosphate). This is necessary because the zinc in the oil damages the
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Motorcycle oils differ from car engine oils.
Have you ever wondered if it’s true that motorcycle oils differ from car engine oils?
Every motorcycle dealer will guarantee you that motorcycle oils differ from car engine oils, and that using general automotive engine oil in your favourite motorcycle will all but destroy it. And have you ever wondered if these claims are true, but been too scared not to buy the genuine motorcycle engine oil for your 4 stroke screamer?Monday, 10 February 2014
Using synthetic industrial compressor oil to cut costs.
Synthetic industrial compressor oil can reduce costs significantly.
Your first reaction to this might be: “How can more expensive synthetic industrial compressor oil lead to a cost saving?”Most factories and manufacturing facilities use compressed air systems for a variety of applications, and keeping these air compressors running efficiently is critical to keeping the entire operation running.
Monday, 3 February 2014
Engine Oil Change Myths to Ignore.
Engine oil change advice can rapidly be relegated to the annals of expensive myths!
Very often misguided advice regarding an engine oil change can see an owner spending money on unnecessary oil services. It’s also worth remembering that modern synthetic lubricants have made previously recommended engine oil change advice redundant.How many times have you received the following engine oil change advice:
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Is Honda Specified 0w20 Motor Oil Really Necessary?
Do I really need to fill with expensive Honda specified 0w20 motor oil?
I came across a comment on a forum complaining that: “Now, with no engine changes that we know of, Honda specified 0w20 motor oil in the 2011s? CRAZY!” I imagine this is a pretty common reaction – especially when the lower viscosity lubricant costs considerably more!The underlying reason for the change is the ever tightening emissions regulations, which are directly influenced by the fuel consumption,
Friday, 24 January 2014
Selecting A High Temperature Lubricant.
When selecting a high temperature lubricant there are many factors to consider!
Selecting a high temperature lubricant is not merely a case of looking at the viscosity rating (for example the 20W50 rating of a multigrade oil): The type of base stock, that constitutes about 80% of the oil bulk, plays a vital role in determining the temperature that the oil can operate at.It’s common knowledge that when selecting a high temperature lubricant synthetic oils are more stable at higher temperatures and don’t oxidise as readily.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Synthetic engine oil in older engines has benefits.
Is it best to use synthetic engine oil in older engines?
There’s considerable debate around whether synthetic engine oil in older engines has any benefit, and indeed whether the lube may in fact cause damage to older engines.Ask any classic or vintage engine enthusiast and you're sure to find a debate on whether synthetic or regular engine oil is better for older cars. Some believe there's no sense in changing what works, and mineral based oil has always performed well: Others argue that synthetic oil has better oxidation properties and is more stable across a wide
Friday, 10 January 2014
When To Use Synthetic Base Oils
Use synthetic base oils to save you expensive breakdowns.
If you want to understand when to use synthetic base oils you should probably first know how oil companies use the term synthetic oil and what it really means.When you pick up a bottle of oil and it says "synthetic" that term is typically intended to mean longer life and better quality at a price. The bottle might also say "synthetic blend" or have some sort of trade name that refers to synthetic oils by using the letters SYN in the title.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Synthetic Oils Reduce Vehicle Emissions.
How do synthetic oils reduce vehicle emissions?
You may be thinking that the only way for synthetic oil to reduce vehicle emissions is if the engine is consuming oil because it needs a rebuild: Not so emissions related to green house gases are far more complex than that.Currently the EU emissions regulations require manufacturers to meet 120g/ km travelled. This is not only linked to how clean the engine burns
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
What should engine oil consumption be?
Engine oil consumption is a sign of a sick engine?

This is a very simplistic method of stating engine oil consumption, and it’s probably better to relate oil consumption to fuel consumption: ml of oil consumed
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