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Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Why use synthetic gearbox oil?
Synthetic gearbox oil is usually used in demanding applications.
Synthetic gearbox oil is usually used whenever crude based gear oils can no longer meet the application requirements, such as extreme operating temperatures or extremely high loads. Even though additives can improve many properties of regular oils, it is not always possible to achieve the performance required.What are synthetic gearbox oils?
The majority of synthetic gearbox oils are formulated with polyalphaolefinThursday, 12 December 2013
What is the best motor oil for turbocharged engines?
Choosing the best motor oil for turbocharged engines.
With ever tightening emissions regulations and demands to reduce fuel consumption smaller turbocharged engines are becoming the norm. Although these engines are very efficient the turbocharger generates very high thermal loads that the motor oil has to cope with, requiring engine oil with higher specifications: Typically synthetic lubricants.The effects of high temperatures on motor oil in turbocharged engines.
In an endeavor to achieve the best possible frictionThursday, 28 November 2013
How lubricants are affected by temperature.
It’s common knowledge that lubricants are affected by temperature – in extreme cases negatively influencing performance.
It’s obvious that lubricants are affected by temperature – that’s why multigrade engine oils have a winter rating and an operating temperature rating. But what in the oil chemistry changes with a change in temperature.Lubricants are affected by temperature changes in several ways.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Use synthetic lubricants to cut costs.
How do synthetic lubricants cut costs in a factory?
When estimating the life-cycle costs of machinery, you must take into account several factors. Of course, there is the initial purchase and installation of the equipment, as well as any aftermarket accessories attached to the machine. There is also the cost of ownership, including all the maintenance procedures that are performed routinely to ensure the pump, motor, conveyor, fan, gearbox, etc. is running correctly. Then there’s
Monday, 18 November 2013
What is a phosphate ester fire resistant fluid?
Phosphate ester fire resistant fluid has excellent anti-wear and fire resistance properties.
Phosphate ester fire resistant fluid is primarily used as a fire-resistant basestock in applications such as hydraulic systems, turbines and compressors.Phosphate esters were formerly a common derivative of coal tar and as a result consisted of a mixture of isomeric aryl phosphates, including the neurotoxic orthotolyl phosphate.
However this production method has declined along with the commercial use of coal tar. Today, phosphate esters are commonly derived from the reaction of phosphorus oxychloride
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
What Does Water In Gearbox Oil Do To The Lubricant?
Just 1% water in gearbox oil can reduce bearing life by up to 90%.
With water in gearbox oil, the effectiveness of a gear lubricant is compromised when the oil and water do not separate and the oil becomes diluted.Its destructive effects on bearings can be worse than that of particle contamination, depending on conditions. As with dirt ingress, vigilant control must be exercised over water in gearbox oil to minimize its accumulation in the lubricants and its damage to bearing surfaces.
Experts agree that using a gear oil that quickly separates from water is the most effective way of
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
What are the causes of engine sludge build up?
There are several causes of engine sludge build up.
What are the common causes of engine sludge build up?
Engine sludge build up can usually be tracedMonday, 28 October 2013
Benefits of using 0W-20 synthetic engine oil.
What are the benefits of using 0W-20 synthetic engine oil?
More and more cars leave the factory filled with 0W-20 synthetic engine oil, this is in order to meet ever tightening emissions and fuel consumption regulations. In a world that is increasingly aware of pollution and dwindling natural resources, this trend will soon become the norm.How does 0W-20 synthetic engine oil benefit fuel consumption?
Because the motor oil is a lower viscosity there are fewer losses,Wednesday, 23 October 2013
How does Glycol anti freeze in motor oils damage the engine?
How does Glycol anti freeze in motor oils damage the engine over time?
In order to understand how Glycol anti freeze in motor oils damages the engine we need to look at what happens when the engine coolant mixes with the oil.This is not the daily occurance of moisture build up and evaporation that occurs due to the engine warming up and cooling down: We’re talking about substantial contamination over a relatively short time. Not only of water, but several other additives that were never intended to lubricate.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Correct lubrication cuts centrifugal pump bearing failure.
Correct lubrication cuts centrifugal pump bearing failure, downtime and costs.
Downtime to repair failed equipment is costly, that’s why it’s important to understand that correct lubrication cuts centrifugal pump bearing failure and saves your company money. Bearings that are properly lubricated with minimal contamination will operate at lower temperatures with extended life.There have been various studies done on why rolling element bearings fail prematurely, and consistently, the No. 1 cause can be attributed to poor lubrication. One particular study stated that 50 percent of damage is caused by defective lubrication. Poor or defective lubrication can be classified as:
Monday, 7 October 2013
The Truth About Synthetic Motor Oil That You Need To Hear.
The truth about synthetic motor oil might change your mind!
In case you though all motor oils were the same you might want to find out the truth about synthetic motor oil and why and when you absolutely have to use this in your engine.Before we even discuss the pro’s and con’s of synthetic oil it’s important to understand that all synthetic oils are not the same.
The truth about synthetic motor oil is that not all these oils are man-made.
The common understanding of synthetic engine oil is that it’s man-madeMonday, 30 September 2013
Diesel engine oil in Euro 6 trucks will be important.
Diesel engine oil in Euro 6 trucks will meet the highest specifications yet.
With the world moving towards low emissions engine technology, the diesel engine oil in Euro 6 trucks will have to meet very stringent specifications in order not to impact on service intervals or equipment.In order to meet ever tightening emissions regulations, Euro 6 trucks will rely on DPFs (diesel particulate filters) to scrub the exhaust gas to remove particulates before they enter the atmosphere.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Why use detergents and dispersants in diesel engine oil.
Why is it so important to use detergents and dispersants in diesel engine oil?
Quite simply detergents and dispersants in diesel engine oil are vital in controlling the combustion by-products which find their way into the crankcase.Diesel fuel combustion (or incomplete combustion) is accompanied by the production of soot (unburned carbon). Prior to exhaust emissions legislation this soot simply passed into the atmosphere through the exhaust system.
Soot reduction has been accomplished by improving injector spray patterns,
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Synthetic engine oil used in F1.
Why is synthetic engine oil used in F1 different to that used in road cars.
Engine lubrication and specifically the synthetic engine oil used in F1 is one of the few areas not highly regulated; as such oil companies spend a lot of time and money developing oils specifically for these high performance engines. One well known brand has 55 scientists working more than 21 000 man hours every Formula one season.Although the building blocks
Monday, 2 September 2013
Synthetic vs crude based engine oil.
Synthetic vs crude based engine oil: The debate rages on!
The long raging debate about synthetic vs crude based engine oil has taken on a whole new meaning in recent years. To meet ever tighter emissions and fuel consumption regulations manufactures are downsizing engines but at the same time increasing specific horsepower. This move has seen oil sump capacity decrease while the temperature loads have increased – especially with the increased use of Turbo charging.The pro’s of mineral oils in the synthetic vs crude based engine oil debate.
The obvious advantage of using crude based engine lubricant is the initial costMonday, 26 August 2013
How to choose the best hydraulic oil.
Choose the best hydraulic oil to reduce downtime and costs.
Most people choose the best hydraulic oil based solely on the manufacturers specifications. While this is very important (And during the warranty period, it’s vital) the correct selection of hydraulic oils entails much more.Hydraulic systems have become extremely sophisticated over the past few years. Speed and pressure have increased tremendously. A few years ago, hydraulic pressures of 30 to 70 Bar, or even 100 Bar were common. Today, pressures are as high as 700 Bar in certain
Monday, 19 August 2013
The temperature affects on air compressor oil.
Temperature affects air compressor oil as well as performance!
When ambient air is compressed to do work for you, considerable heat of compression is released and this temperature affects air compressor oil as well as compressor performance. As an illustration, the heat of compression released from a 100 horsepower air compressor could heat 4 homes in the worst of winter. If not handled properly in the summer, this heat can become a killer.What are the temperature affects on air compressor oil.
Excessive heat has a severe impact on most compressor oils. It is a well accepted ruleMonday, 12 August 2013
Save fuel by using synthetic gear oil.
Is it really possible to save fuel using synthetic gear oil?
With the ever increasing price of fuel (Diesel and petrol) the internet is full of fuel saving tips but not many mention how to save fuel using synthetic gear oil. It’s easy to accomplish and works everytime.The basics behind getting better mileage from a vehicle are simple; decrease rolling resistance, improve aerodynamics, reduce weight, and improve the powertrain's efficiency.
Proper tyre inflation helps minimize rolling resistance.
Help your vehicle's aerodynamics by not driving with luggage carriers, bike racks, to spoil the aerodynamics.
Remove all unnecessary equipment from
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Is there a lifetime engine oil?
Why lifetime engine oil isn’t possible.
Imagine if a lifetime engine oil was possible! No messy oil changes, no costly labour and parts: So why is this not a reality?Already manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen fill their transmissions with lifetime transmission fluid and claim the original fluid will last the life of the transmission. By way of example a 2009 BMW came with a 4-year 100,000-kilometer warranty which included no oil changes: And if you examine the service schedule you’ll see there’s no transmission oil service in this period.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
9 Engine oil myths that are urban legends.
Engine oil myths that could cost you money.
Some of these engine oil myths have been around so long that they’ve become urban legends.How many times have you heard someone slating an oil as “inferior” because it discolours? Well although the theory is sound in certain cases, this is an engine oil myth.
A little knowledge isn't necessarily a dangerous thing, but a little knowledge that doesn't happen to be true could quite possibly ruin your engine, or at least cost you a lot of unnecessary expense.
Here are the 10 engine oil myths that have become urban legends.
Engine oil myth No1: Oil must be changed every 5,000km’s
Many years ago, most auto manufacturer recommended motor oil in be changed everyWednesday, 24 July 2013
Sensors can extend engine oil change intervals.
Modern generation sensors can extend engine oil change intervals significantly.
Before deciding whether sensors can extend engine oil change intervals we need to understand why engine oil degrades in the first place. We must also remember that diesel engine oil has a far greater degradation burden to bear, so oil change intervals tend to be shorter.Typically, prescribed engine oil change intervals are 15,000Km for petrol engines and 10,000 (In some cases even 5,000Km) for
Thursday, 18 July 2013
The best bearing lubrication.
The best bearing lubrication practices to prevent premature failures.
Often the best bearing lubrication is difficult to accomplish. This may be due to operating environment or even the design and construction of the equipment. Therefore for the best bearing lubrication it’s advisable to fully understand what constitutes good bearing lubrication.
What is the best bearing lubricating oil?
Straight mineral or synthetic oils are generally favoured for rolling bearingTuesday, 11 June 2013
How to change engine oil.
Some insights into how to change engine oil.
Everyone understands the importance of regular engine oil changes, and those DIY’s amongst us know exactly how to change engine oil: But is there perhaps a better way?Over the past decade, gasoline-refining technology has decreased combustion pollutants, helping to reduce engine oil contaminants. Additives increase the ability of the engine oil to maintain adequate lubrication quality even when contaminated.
As technology advances, the time between oil changes is lengthened. As a result, perhaps
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Why choose synthetic oil over regular mineral oil?
With synthetic oil more expensive, why choose synthetic oil over regular mineral oil?
When choosing synthetic oil over regular mineral oil it’s worth remembering that mineral oils have been around for a long time and function very well as lubricants in most industrial applications.They are cost-effective and provide a reasonable service life when used properly but have limitations, depending upon the type and level of additives blended, and the operating
Monday, 27 May 2013
How Do Greases Differ?
Ever wondered how greases differ – why is wheel bearing grease different to multi purpose?
We all know that using the wrong grease in an application will usually drastically shorten the equipments life, but how do greases differ to cope with the different applications? After all the demands on a wheel bearing are very different to those of a door hinge.What gives different greases their charachteristics?
Greases are primarily classified by their thickeners, the most commonTuesday, 21 May 2013
What do API Classifications for Automotive Gear Oils mean?
Understanding the API classifications for automotive gear oils.
Anyone that’s ever read their cars handbook or had a look at the fluids spec sheet will have seen that gear oils all have the prefix API: What do these API classifications for automotive gear oils mean?The American Petroleum Institute (API) service designations are based on the type of service in which components will be used. The designations are utilized by manufacturers to select lubricants for particular gear types and operating conditions.
No attempt is made by the API classification system to
Monday, 13 May 2013
The best lubricant choice for the environment.
Making the best lubricant choice for the environment can improve efficiency.
Unfortunately oil has long been associated with pollution and damage, but this can be turned around by consciously choosing the best oil for the environment.Fortunately, it is relatively easy to reduce the impact by changing the way lubricants are being used and even by making more use of synthetic lubricants.
For example, oil in equipment should not be
Monday, 6 May 2013
Selecting the best synthetic Compressor oil.
Why is selecting the best synthetic compressor oil so important?
With the widespread use of dynamic, reciprocating and rotary compressors it’s not always easy choosing the best synthetic compressor oil for the application.Lubrication requirements vary considerably, depending not only on the type of compressor but also the gas which is being compressed. In general, air and gas compressors are mechanically similar.
Thus, the main difference is in the effect of the gas on the lubricant
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
What is lubrication exactly?
Have you ever tried to define what is lubrication?
We all have a pretty good idea of what lubrication is, but the term has come to mean a lot more than overcoming friction and wear. The official dictionary definition of what lubrication is, is; the application of an oily or greasy substance in order to diminish friction.What is a lubricant?
Oil and grease are the most common lubricants. Grease is composed of oil and a thickening agent to obtain its consistency, while the oil is what actually lubricates.Oils can be synthetic, vegetable or mineral-based as well as a combination of these. The application determines which oil, commonly referred to as the base oil, should be used. In extreme conditions, synthetic oils can be
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Thinner motor oils and Fuel Economy vs. Wear
Do thinner motor oils offer better fuel economy and less wear?
Although synthetic motor oils are increasingly being used, mineral lubricants are probably still in the majority which often leads to a discussion around the best engine oil viscosity for the application and whether thinner motor oils hold any meaningful benefits for the motorist.Conventional wisdom states that engine oils that increase fuel
Thursday, 18 April 2013
The Best Synthetic Base Stock For Engine Oils.
Are PAO’s the best synthetic base stock oil for engine oils?
Although PAO’s are commonly used, are they really the best synthetic base stock for engine oil? And why are PAG’s not commonly used as synthetic base stock for engine oils?Polyalkylene glycols or PAG base oils are types of synthetic base stocks. While synthetic engine oils are becoming
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Anti-Friction Metal Conditioners Can Damage Equipment.
Do anti-friction metal conditioners really work?
We’ve all read the anti-friction metal conditioner claims that they save energy, reduce operational costs, increase power and torque, lower operating temperatures, decrease wear and downtime, and provide easier cold-weather operation. In short a miracle in a bottle.These anti-friction metal conditioners must not be confused with other oil additive packages normally used in the formulation
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
A strong case for Changing Engine Oil - Synthetic vs. Mineral Oils.
Synthetic vs mineral oils – why should you consider the switch to mineral.
In absolutes there’s no doubt that synthetic oil out performs mineral oil, but then why does the debate on synthetic vs. mineral oils rage on? As with most decisions in life, this one is also usually based on money.What are the differences in cost, synthetic vs. mineral oils?
The common price for a quart of 10W-30 brand-name mineral-based oil at a local auto parts store is approx twice the price forTuesday, 26 March 2013
The dangers of excessive air in oil.
Are you aware that excessive air in oil may be destroying your equipment and costing you money?
We all know that excessive air in oil can’t be good, but just what are the dangers of air trapped in oil? Although air is always present in lubricating oil, it is often justifiable to adopt measures to minimize its presence.How do you know if your equipment’s lube is suffering because of the air in the oil.
Air can exist in oil in three different states:Dissolved
Air dissolved in oil exists as individual molecules which are similar to CO2 dissolved in
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Best Lubrication Tips for Optimum Efficiency.
Here are the best lubrication tips to optimize your plant efficiency.
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In order to achieve this, plant managers are looking for ways to improve equipment reliability, optimize maintenance and reduce energy consumption.
Often they are doing so by challenging the status quo and experimenting with
Saturday, 16 March 2013
The increasing use of Synthetic Lubricants in cars.
Advanced technology means increased use of synthetic lubricants in cars.
As Automotive technology moves forward at the speed of light so the need for synthetic lubricants in cars increases.Warranties and 100,000-mile service intervals mean that Automotive manufacturers have to make their components work harder and last longer than ever before or fix them free of charge.
Better metals, plastics
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
What is the best synthetic gear oil?
Only the best synthetic gear oil can cope with abnormal loads on these giant worm gears!
A gear box failure can be very costly, both in repair costs and downtime, that’s why most company’s use only the best synthetic gear oil. But how do you decide on the best synthetic gear oil?Traditional theory often advocates that polyalkylene glycols (PAGs) perform better in worm gears than other lubricants due to their high lubricity. But is this true; and what benefits do they really offer over polyalphaolefin (PAO) worm gear lubricants or mineral oils
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Why It's Important To Know an Oils Base Number.
If you don’t know an oils base number your sump could be a sulphuric acid bath!
So what’s an oils base number got to do with Sulphuric acid?You’ve probably heard the commentary in the media about the Sulphur content in diesel fuels – did you know that high Sulphur content is a major factor in reducing oil life in diesel vehicles? And the lower the oils base number, the greater the risk of acid build up.
How do we define an oils base number.
The oils base number (BN) is a propertyMonday, 18 February 2013
Can low-noise electric motor bearing grease reduce wear?
Low-noise electric motor bearing grease is often also referred to as long-life or Low-wear!
Have you ever wondered why a CD player electric motor runs so quietly? Well in part, it’s due to the use of low-noise electric motor bearing grease?Greases are composed of a base oil and a thickener, which carries the oil between its lattice-like fibers. Base oils include mineral and other natural oils, and synthetic oils for high-temperature operation. Common thickeners
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
What is Demulsibility in Oil, and why is it important.
Because water is a lubricants worst nightmare Demulsibility in oil is vital.
I’m sure we’ve all encountered a situation where the dimusibility of an oil has been tested to the limit – ever seen the mess in a car’s sump after a blown head gasket? That milky mess, created by the water and anti-freeze in the oil, tells you that the demulsibility in the oil has been exceeded.Demulsibility in oil is the ability to release water. This is of extreme importance when the equipment is operating in humid conditions or in a plant atmosphere that is
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Considerations When Using Synthetic Oils.
What should you consider before using synthetic oils?
As machinery’s performance improves, the demands on lubrication increases. To this end more companies are using synthetic oil to cut costs and improve equipment life and performance.Often the questions are asked whether synthetic oils are required for a specific application, and if so what synthetic lubricant
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Oil contamination in mining can be very costly
Understanding oil contamination in mining equipment is vital.
Oil contamination in mining equipment is a daily occurrence and very difficult to overcome.However, oil contamination in a mine can be reduced by following a few simple steps. Mining equipment operates under extreme conditions: Often either extremely hot or cold, but even worse - very dusty. This dust contains extremely abrasive particles that can reduce equipment life, eventually resulting in
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Using Phosphate Ester Fluids
Phosphate Ester fluids are commonly found in fire resistant fluids, but how should they be used?
Phosphate Ester fluids were only discovered in the 1940’s, but since then their usage has seen a steady growth as a result of their fire and wear resistant propertiesThe first commercial products were synthesized from coal-tar derivatives and were consequently composed of a mixture of various isomeric aryl phosphates, including the neurotoxic orthotolyl phosphate. Today, other raw materials are used for the synthesis of phosphate esters. Modern technology
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Can Extreme pressure oil additives damage gears?
Why would Extreme Pressure oil additives damage Gears?
The primary reason Extreme Pressure oil additives damage Gears is because the chlorine, potassium-borate and sulfur-phosphorus extreme pressure (EP) additives, primarily used for industrial gear lubrication, protect through chemical reaction.These EP oil additives are temperature-activated and react with the metal to form a sacrificial film.
EP oil additives can cause severe damage through chemical reaction:
- Extreme pressure additives such as the sulfur phosphorus types can be “too chemically reactive,” resulting in polishing wear.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Can you save costs by replenishing oil additives?
So you think you can save money by merely replenishing oil additives.
The truth however is that, replenishing oil additives to return the oil back to it’s original state, is virtually impossible. Contrary to what was recently published in an "End times report", suggesting that by cleaning the oil and “topping” up with fresh oil you would be able to return the oil back to an acceptable condition. In an emergency this might be acceptable; but it’s likely to cause accelerated wear under severe operating conditions.How are oil additives depleted?
Over time, effective Lubricating oil additives are depletedFriday, 4 January 2013
Choosing the correct hydraulic oil
By choosing the correct hydraulic oil you can realise substantial savings.
Choosing the correct hydraulic oil can be as simple as sticking to the manufactures’ specifications. But in this age of constant change, sticking to the book could be limiting both the efficiency and life of the equipment.What Information Do You Need Before Choosing The Correct Hydraulic Oil.
For most machines, there are many options when it comes
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